Versions: DVD / Digital HD / VOD Rental/Own (link provided below)
An essential DVD for Christians attending public school and secular universities.
Most public schools teach evolution theory as fact, taking a serious toll on the faith of many unprepared Christians. Yet, the straight-forward account in Genesis provides the true history of Creation, often making more sense of the evidence.
The twelve segment, six-lesson program helps students understand the weak foundations of evolution, teaching them a strong case for Biblical Creation. The six lessons include:
- Lesson 1: Why is Creation-Evolution Training Important?
- Lesson 2: Bible History—Real or Fiction? Can we trust the Bible’s account of history? The Age of the Earth, Dating Methods, and Evolution are also reviewed.
- Lesson 3: Did Humans Evolve from Ape-like Creatures?
- Lesson 4: Creation-Evolution 101: Adaptation & Natural Selection
- Lesson 5: Creation-Evolution 102: Common Ancestors/Branching & Homology
- Lesson 6: Creation-Evolution 201: Fossils, Whales, and Extinction
From the beginning of this project, Debunking Evolution sought the input and script review from leading creation science organizations such as:
    -Dr. Georgia Purdom & Roger Patterson at Answers in Genesis
    -Dr. Jonathan Sarfati at Creation Ministries International
    -Brian Thomas at the Institute for Creation Research
This DVD is produced by the team of Kyle Justice and Pat Roy. Kyle Justice is an Emmy nominated director and has been producing programming since the mid 1980's for networks such as ESPN, National Geographic, Comcast SportsNet, Fox Sports, and The Outdoor Channel. He has produced creation science DVD series since 1996 with such titles as "The X-Nilo Show", "The Heavens Declare", and "Awesome Science." Pat Roy has produced thousands of radio programs for the Institute for Creation Research and over the last decade as been producing the Jonathan Park radio series.Â
DVD comes with a free digital e-book and study guide. Excellent tool for youth pastors, Christian schools, Sunday schools, and home school science classes.
Digital HD version is provided by with insert card and code inside DVD.Â
You can also purchase this episode as a digital copy on our VOD platform here.
Format: DVD with Digital HD Copy
Length: 100 Minutes
Ages: 12-19
Published: 2016
Watch the Trailers:
Bonus Videos:
Sample Segment: Vestigial Organs
Production Blog: Day 1
Blooper Reel: Day 1